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    An AM Supplement

    SUPPLEMENT d’AM maintains close ties with artisans, and takes care to develop the mutual respect essential to the creation of products in beautiful harmony.

    With an extra touch of soul... A collection is imagined and designed in Paris, but is developed and finalized in India and Peru, alongside the craftsman, according to the "what if we tried" and the enthusiastic "why not...". Thus, during 3 to 4 trips per year to these workshops, Agnes de La Moureyre explores new avenues, bounces back on unsuspected, diverted materials, and enriches her secret library of images, smells, impressions, so many sensations that will one day emerge in her collections.


    GOVIND family

    A workshop has, thanks to SUPPLEMENT D'AM / EPIGR'AM , rehabilitated an abandoned activity in the village, and put back into operation its paper vats left forgotten for almost 100 years...
    As a direct consequence, the development and social evolution of the families working in the manufacture of notebooks: our first interlocutor and friend, became "head of his caste", organized social life (marriages in particular) in his region, educated his children, his eldest son did his higher education in England...

    AM SUPPLEMENT rigorously ensures that no child works in the manufacture of its products , the establishment of normal working days and hours , healthy working conditions , and encourages the implementation of social measures to protect artisans and their families.


    AM Supplement develops a relationship of trust based on a moral commitment: everything is done to make a partnership established for twenty years last. The lines developed are consistent with their know-how and contribute to this desire to commit over time.

    This human relationship is essential to build together , by relying on each other, coherent and meaningful collections...

    Of course, all the dyes are eco-friendly and guaranteed by the Reach label, which ensures both the environmental impact and our health.

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